Bethesda Public Library

112 North Main Street
PO Box 277
Bethesda, Ohio 43719
Phone: 740-484-4532
Fax: 740-484-4732
Email Branch Manager: Karen D.

Events Calendar   Library Closings


Regular Hours
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
11 - 7 11 - 7 Closed 10 - 6 9- 5 9 - 1 Closed


History of the Bethesda Branch

The Bethesda Public Library is an integral part of the fabric of the Bethesda, Ohio community, providing local access to books, computers, summer reading programs, as well as year round Children’s story time and book clubs for both young adults and adults alike. Established in 1936, the Bethesda Public library is the oldest branch in the Belmont County District Library system. Read more...


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